As a premium outdoor brand, Jack Wolfskin has everything you need for your next adventure. Whether you like hiking, travelling, cycling, camping, skiing, or snowboarding, you’ll find the right gear for your favourite activity. Jack Wolfskin makes you feel 100% at home outdoors, which, not coincidentally, is also their baseline.
The shoes and jackets with TEXAPORE technology protect you from the wind, rain, and cold. Something we have to deal with here in Belgium almost all year round! If you’re looking for a lightweight jacket that fulfils all your wishes, you’ve come to the right place: Jack Wolfskin. Do you prefer to stay comfortably warm during your outdoor adventure? Then definitely go for one of their super-soft fleece sweaters. You’ll be perfectly at home in stylish dresses, trousers, shirts, skorts, and shorts in the summertime too. Whatever the season, Jack Wolfskin is there for you.