BLOSSOMBS Pots & Vases Kraft Bag 25


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Help butterflies and bees and bring color to your neighborhood!
With the brightly colored seed ‘bombs’ from Blossombs you create a true sea of flowers and food paradise for bees and butterflies. Throw the Blossombs anywhere you want flowers; in the garden, on the balcony or a vacant piece of land, wait for the rain (or use a watering can) and after a few weeks you, the bee and the butterflies will enjoy the most colorful flowers!

Made in the Netherlands with organic wild flower seeds and natural clay, nutrients and color pigments.

Sowing time: March to September. Do they throw you out later in the season? Then they just come up in the spring! Blossombs have a shelf life of at least 2 years.

Bring color to your world!

Technical details

  • For everyone who wants to spread as many Blossombs (and color) as possible, we now also offer individual Blossombs! Each colour of seed bomb contains the same flowers.
  • Nice to hand out, to make your own presents or to just throw out as much as possible in the urban areas for more color and therefore more flowers in your neighborhood!
  • The organic flower seed mix consists of: Alexandrine clover, Bolderik, Incarnate clover, Flax, Mallow, Poppy, Phacelia, Cornflower, Coriander, Persian clover, Flax dotter and Yellow mustard.
  • Some seeds germinate in the spring, others in the summer or even after. This way the bees (and you too) can enjoy flowers all season long. In short: patience is required until nature does its work.
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