Together with our outdoors partners and our customers, we have been working together for years to protect all those beautiful, wild places, both in Belgium and abroad. Because the fact that we like to be active outside also means that we have an impact on our environment. But don’t we all want future generations to have the same or better adventures than we do?
We are proud that we can make a difference together with you. So we’d also like to extend a big thank you to all of you for your support, including on behalf of the outdoors partners and projects we support.
“We believe in our contribution and act on it”
Together with our outdoors partners and projects, we are working towards increasing nature and wild places in Belgium, Europe, and the rest of the world. Our financial support goes directly to their initiatives to protect and maintain our planet. Time for an introduction.
Every day, enthusiastic volunteers devote themselves to protecting and improving the diversity and quality of the nature in your neighbourhood.
• In 2022, A.S.Adventure donated 5% of the Black Friday turnover to the preservation of the highest nature reserves in Belgium
• In 2022, we also fully committed to restoring the Middenloop Zwalm glaucous oat grassland. We want to preserve biodiversity and improve CO2 storage and water buffering.
• 27,000 hectares of nature reserve in Flanders, also thanks to the collaboration with A.S.Adventure
• Signs for 11 A.S.Adventure hiking routes
• Installation of benches, information boards, and beehives
• Construction of a natural playground in the Grote Netewoud (Grote Nete Forest)
• Publishing the Natuurpunt cycling and hiking guide
• Expedition Natuurpunt partner
• Restoration of the Middenloop Zwalm tall oat grassland. We want to preserve biodiversity and improve CO2 storage and water buffering.
• Restoring a characteristic Kempen landscape: Visbeekvallei ('Visbeek Valley').
Visbeekvallei is one of Flanders' most valuable stream valleys with purple heather, wide sandy paths and flowery grasslands. In wetter places, you will find fens, carr vegetation, and thickets of bog myrtle. Considerable progress has already been made in Visbeekvallei thanks to the LIFE project (2010-2015). However, there is still work to be done. Natuurpunt recently purchased new plots. This is necessary to make Visbeekvallei a sustainable nature reserve that can rise to future challenges.
Right now, those plots have barely any natural value, but Natuurpunt can change that, in part thanks to our support. This will allow the heathland to flourish again, and species such as the adder will find their way to the area, while visitors will be able to enjoy beautiful walks in interconnected nature.
Natuurpunt’s Walloon counterpart wants to stop the loss of biodiversity in Brussels and Wallonia.
• In 2022, A.S.Adventure donated 5% of the Black Friday turnover to the preservation of the highest nature reserves in Belgium.
• 5,500 hectares of nature reserves in Wallonia, thanks to the cooperation with A.S.Adventure, among others.
• From now on, we support the Nature Network, an eco-social project that gives you as a company, citizen or association the tools to welcome more biodiversity on the lands you manage.
• Additional information: as of today, we co-support the 'Vallée de la Wimbe'.
• 60 families benefited from the nutrition pilot project in 2017
• We installed 197 water taps in 2017
• In 2018, 180 families were provided with sustainable livelihoods through cocoa cultivation and 82 families through coffee cultivation
• In total, we have provided 90% of households with a better or more stable income
• 68% of the members of the Ayompari cocoa and coffee cooperative gained more clout to improve their own income.
Corporate Social Responsibility means making the best possible choices for people and the environment. From a more conscious product range and the repair of your gear, to more eco-conscious packaging and CO2 reductions: every link in our business deserves special attention.
Interested in making more informed choices when buying something new? Then be sure to look at a product's sustainability certificates. Online, the certificates are listed next to each product; in the shop, one of our colleagues will be happy to tell you more.
The better you care for your quality gear right now, the longer it will stay in top condition! Good for you and good for the planet. Because by enjoying your gear for many years to come, we really do make a difference in reducing that infamous mountain of waste.