Almost (but not completely) plastic-free: this is how we turn the tide

You’ll still find some plastic packaging here and there at A.S.Adventure, for example, in the warehouse or in the package you ordered online. But why? Isn’t plastic bad for the environment? Yes and no. We want to be as transparent as our plastic packaging, which is why we’ll tell you all about our packaging policy below. From how things are going now and why, to how we are striving for a plastic-free future.

Advantages of plastic?!

You almost forgot, but plastic packaging offers a lot of advantages. Let’s sort them out.

1. Compact packaging


All the products you will find at A.S.Adventure, are sent to us in plastic packaging by the brands. The packaging protects the product, making it easier for us to put it in a small box for online shipments, for example. And the smaller the packages, the less air is transported. We don’t have to spell it out: transporting ‘air’ is extremely polluting.

2. Hygienic function


The products you find on our shop shelves or in your order have already travelled a long way. From the warehouse of the brands themselves, to the Retailconcepts central warehouse, to their temporary storage location. Plus, you should know that conveyor belts are not always clean. And although our warehouse is very tidy, dust is inevitable. That’s when plastic packaging as protection comes in very handy. Unless you don’t have a problem with a dusty backpack or a white dress with a black stripe on it….

3. Protective function


We’ve mapped it out in point 2 already: every product travels a long way. In the box, out of the box, on and off the conveyor belt, in the distribution crates, to the shops or the online warehouse. It’s quite a journey and we want to do it without tearing your clothes. So protection is necessary. The packaging must also be transparent in order to check and then scan the products. Unfortunately, there is not a translucent, ecological alternative to plastic yet… The packaging market here is not as advanced as we’d like.

4. Recyclable


You’re gradually starting to understand that plastic packaging is indispensable for our products. Luckily, we’re anything but careless with all that plastic. We can recycle it perfectly, meaning it can be reused as new plastic. Usually, that’s where the crux is: recycling has to be done correctly. But don’t worry: we’re working very hard on that!

This is how we experiment with plastic reduction

The less plastic, the better. That’s what we believe. And when it can’t be avoided, we’d better make the best of it. So that’s what we do. For example, we work closely with the European Outdoor Group (EOG), a working group that includes environmentally conscious retailers and many outdoor brands.

“We work closely with the European Outdoor Group (EOG), a working group that includes environmentally conscious retailers and many outdoor brands.”

The future (or the end?) of plastic at A.S.Adventure

Exactly how do we anticipate what the future will look like? As long as there is no ecological alternative to transparent plastic packaging, we strive to recycle the plastic in the best possible way. We don’t want to burden you as a consumer with that either. That’s why we’re working towards a situation where we take all the plastic off the products ourselves, so that you as a consumer will no longer receive it. In cooperation with Ecoplast, we can deliver all that plastic to a central point in Germany, where it is recycled correctly for a second use.

“We also keep our ears tuned for new and ecological alternatives.”

You’ve already read how our packaging policy is a great adventure. But don’t worry: we’re on the road to less plastic! We also keep our ears tuned for new and ecological alternatives. If you have a golden tip in this regard, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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